
Receive it

My Dear how are you doing?,
I hope my email finds you well, really it's has not been long we stopped communication but i have been praying and asking God to keep my dream forward so that i can be able to surprise you because you tried to shown me care and concern but you did not believe me as i was in need of your assistance.

I unable to released the transaction with you based on the developments then, but I thank God that all is well now. I am very happy to let you know that the bank has release my late father fund to me through the assistance of a new partner from Ireland, he is a kind-heated person who is now my co-investor.

I wish to let you know that i am in Ireland right now, we left in Lome Togo a satisfy bank draft cheque of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) for you as a make of reward, I have instructed Barrister Etienne H. Fetus to send the cheque to you, because he is the lawyer that help us to prepare all our necessary documents, contact him with your current residential or office postal address where he will post your bank draft cheque to you

Barrister. Etienne H. Festus.
Lome Togo Tel: +22897898421

I feel this is the only way I could say thank
you. Stay Bless and good bye.
Mrs. Rita

Hadiyatun meninggalkan pesan untukmu

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Tim Twoo
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